Can’t install SODE

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    I have problems installing SODE. I believe I did have the program installed once (in the addon-menu in FSX) but then deleted – don’t ask why..

    Anyway, I’ve instaleld three addon airports which all have SODE installers. I then install SODE to Program Files (X86), but it says that SODE is not registered. I tried moving it to Programdata, but nothing changes…

    Help me install this!

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Intu.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by 12bPilot.
    • This topic was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by 12bPilot.

    Help me install this! Wow, sounds like a command! A “please” would have been nice…

    Anyways, seems you are able to install SODE in general…you can use the default location which is Program Files (x86). At the end of the installation, the PlatformManager is shown and yes, it will tell you that SODE is not registered. This means your sim has no idea that SODE is on your machine.
    To change this, just hit the “Register” button. This action will write all the required entries in your simulator’s config files (exe.xml, dll.xml, …) and you should now see two green fields in the PlatformManager and SODE will be launched the next time you start your simulator.

    There is a user-guide in the download section of this website that describes all of this.

    Hope that helps.


    Hi again,


    When I tried pressing the register button, there is a windows appearing saying “ERROR 0;95*****” something. I do not know what to do about it!
    I deep-uninstalled SODE and also removed the airport addons, and tried reinstalling. However, the same problem keeps occuring.
    I read the user-guide but there is no real answer to my problem, so if you can eloborate and help me fix this, it would be great.

    Please help 🙂

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Intu.


    I need the exact error message please in order to help. I have never seen that error you posted. The individual error codes range from 0-7, so I don’t know why there is 95?

    Another thing to try is to uninstall SODE and install the latest standalone version from this site (1.4.1). The SODE installers included in your addons should then skip the installation since they detect that there is a newer version on your machine.
    May I ask what airport add-ons you have that use SODE? Maybe one of them is installing a very old unsupported version…


    Hi again and thanks for your reply,

    The error code is: 0;9175041:0. The window name is “Registration error”.

    I tried that! I downloaded it, but it remains the same..
    I use the Tropicalsim Rio de Janeiro, and Justsim’s LOWS, LOWI and RFScenery’s LSGG.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Intu.

    I have added some more error states to the platform manager, maybe this version spits out more useful information.
    For sure it has something to do with your dll.xml. Either it’s not found or it contains invalid data or is an invalid xml file syntax wise.

    Get the updated platform manager here:
    You can put the exe file into C:\Program Files (x86)\12bPilot\SODE and overwrite the existing one. Or you can just extract it somewhere and run it from there, so you still have the original one…


    Hi again,

    I downloaded your file but now it says error 0:8;0.
    I had a look at the exe and dll.xml files, and in the exe.xml I found this:

    <Path>C:\Program Files (x86)\12bPilot\SODE\SimObjectDisplayEngine.exe</Path>

    However, in the dll one there is nothing. Are there any commands you could provide which I could insert manually to make it work?


    EDIT: Strangely enough, when I started FSX the module box came up asking if I wanted to trust SODE something..
    I pressed yes, and went to free sim and started up – and in the addons menu SODE now appears with the three sub-menus but the Platformmanager still says error 0:8;0. 😛


    Hi again,

    SODE comes in two parts, the exe and the dll modules. The exe part seems to run fine and is properly registered in the exe.xml and hence loaded by FSX. All the menu entries are handled by the exe part so you are able to see them.
    The dll part is needed to animate the jetways and is an integral part of the whole SODE system. The error code 8 (which I just added in the modified version) tells me that the xml parser is not able to load valid xml data. Thanks to your info, I now know that the parser will throw an exception when the file is totally empty, but present on the system.
    Since your file is empty, there is a very easy and cheap fix: just delete that dll.xml file! The platform manager will then create a new dll.xml with the needed entry and you should be good to go from there 🙂

    Thanks for your help and your report, it surely made the platform manager more robust for such cases. I have now added the case for empty xml files and in the next version, the platform manager will fill the file with the correct content.



    Thanks in return. 🙂


    I have some more questions..

    Since I am a greenhorn with the SODE-program, and I have installed both Digital Designs LOWS and Justsim’s LOWI, I have no runway lights at all (except for the PAPI lights).

    I installed the latest SODE, and once I open up FSX and go to the SODE-menu, it says there are no items/objects within 12 km to activate. (not the exact words, but you’ll understand hopefully)
    Has this something to do with SODE or is it the programs that is failing?


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Intu.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Intu.

    Sorry for the spam, but can’t edit the posts!

    I managed to fix the issue by uninstalling the latest version of SODE and installing the 1.3 version which came with the addon airport.

    Thanks for the help earlier and bye!

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