SODE 1.8.0: Overhauled Animation System, Prepar3d v6 Support

There wasn’t a lot of development for the last months and years, the release of MSFS has changed the simming landscape and I didn’t feel motivated enough to put a lot of effort into a freeware tool (that SODE is) to make it available in MSFS with its ever changing SDK. A substantial subset of SODE’s functionality is already provided in the MSFS SDK and one day SODE may be obsolete in terms of offered functionality. The only thing missing currently in MSFS that SODE is able to do, is a jetway system with multiple jetways.

However, there were some internal releases for Prepar3D v5, offering an interface to external SimConnect applications to control the Jetway System system by own triggers. This was asked by home cockpit builders and I gladly added that feature for those people.

One big change is the internal animation system in SODE: It had relied on SODE’s DLL in the past, making the sim itself vulnerable to crashes (CTD). Also, it was quite complicated to communicate/move data between the modules through the SimConnect interface. In V1.8.0, a custom animation engine was integrated in the main executable and it works quite nicely and it is easier to maintain. Jetways serving AI is also supported as it was in the past.

Finally, the new Prepar3D v6 is now also officially supported.

Find the new installer in the Downloads section.

Thank you and best regards.