SimObject with SimTitle' xxx':' UNDEFINED. MDL' does NOT exist!

Home Forums Support SimObject with SimTitle' xxx':' UNDEFINED. MDL' does NOT exist!

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  • #2264


    I have a problem since I installed the latest versions of Sode, the 1.6.0 and 1.6.1.
    While I didn’t have any errors before in the Sode log, I now systematically have 34 errors “WARN SODE. FOLDERMANAGER: SimObject with SimTitle’ xxx’:’ UNDEFINED. MDL’ does NOT exist! “no matter where I fly.
    However, I checked in the “SimObjects” folders of the scenes “xxx” in question, names in the files “sim. cfg” and in “Model SimTitle='”, as well as in the folder “xml”, their file “. xml”… everything is correct and corresponds well.

    This gives red crosses in P3Dv4.1.
    I don’t understand why….

    Can you explain it to me?
    Thank you very much.

    Here are these error messages in file attached.

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    After looking for hours at your (and other‘s) examples, I think I found the reason for this issue.

    The comparison of the simtitle as written in the xml to the one defined in the sim.cfg is very strict and must match *exactly* including lower-/uppercase. the comparison is case sensitive.

    FS seems to be not that strict and does not care about case sensitiveness…

    In your example, BJP_SUPPORT (xml) and BJP_Support(sim.cfg) are different in upper/lowercase. Just fix the simtitles in the xml.

    I need to change the strictness of the checking in the next version, but for now you need to fix it in your xmls.

    Thanks for your report and samples.


    Thank you for your answer, I’ll check what you said.


    the comparison is case sensitive.

    it has not been fixed?


    the comparison is case sensitive. it has not been fixed?

    Fixed since V1.6.3.

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